Promoting Empowerment and Well Being for all Women/Men/Children


In our daily life we get overwhelmed by our roles as parent or child, along with all the different roles we play in today’s society, and we lose our sense of identity. Holistic Counselling will give you the tools to reconnect with yourself, and transform you into the person you want to be.

Aviva Holistic Counselling regards human problems as opportunities for growth and development. I see each client as a unique individual and within whom reside the archetypes of wellness, beauty, wholeness, truth and knowledge—everything they need to flourish as a human being. Holistic Counselling regards the client, at all times, as being the foremost expert in their own experiences. Being such, they must define themselves what they are willing and ready to transform in their life, and I will coach them to harness these insights into action plans for growth and development.

Regain the balance in your life. Express yourself confidently and meaningfully. Live your life mindfully.

Virtual Sessions Available

Aviva One-on-one session will give you the tools to reconnect with yourself.

Reconnect with yourself. Relax. Reflect. Rejuvenate. Learn to make smarter choices and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Improve your relationship with your team, family and friends. Lets build that relationship to be better together. 

Missed a retreat? We always have one coming up. Sign up now to be in the retreat.